Monday, July 28, 2008
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Ipswich Ales
Friday, July 4, 2008
Augustiner Maximator
Jimmy has been picking out most of the beers based on my history at MWL and the conversations we have had over the years. I have been going in on a weekly bases and telling him "this is what I am thinking of". Jimmy, without hesitation has pointed me in a variety of directions depending upon what I have been asking for. In this case, Jimmy hit the target dead on with his suggestion of Augustiner Maximator. While I typically stick to American craft brewer or English ales, this dark Geman beer is the best I have tried to date.
Nice dark brown color with good head when intially poured. This is a malty, sweet dopplebock style beer that won't disappoint. When tasted you can tell right off that it is a German style beer, reminding me of Spaten Optimator that I often have when visiting East Side restaurant in New Britian, only better.
Maximator is a bit on the expensive side, but if you like malty beers as I do, this is worth the treat. I look at it this way, many people won't think twice about $30-$40 dollars for a good wine, what's $10-$12 for a good six pack every now and them. I figure I deserve it and you do too.
Berkshire Imperial Stout
The Imperial starts off with a nice head and a color that you would expect from an Imperial Stout, rich and dark. Carbonation is moderate and mouthfeel is nice and full. Hop aroma is minute as well in the taste. Flavor is a nice blend of chocolate and coffee and overall well balanced brew.
I liked this much better than the Smutty Nose as there wasn't an overabundance of hops. If you like stouts this one is worth trying, well balanced and not disappointing.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Old Scratch Amber Lager
Fifth inning, sox up 6-0 and Pettite is out. On to my next Flying Dog, Old Scratch Amber Larger.
The beer pours a nice white head with another pleasant amber color. Mildly carbonated with nice malty taste, hardly a hint of hops on the aroma but slight on the finish. I did notice a familiar taste of wheat. Unfortunately I am not a fan of wheat so this one is not high on my list. A nice beer, even for a wheat, but I must admit, I liked the Pale Ale better.
Doggie Style Pale Ale
Sitting down enjoying the first of a 4 game series between the Sox and the Yanks. Enjoying it cause the Sox have jumped out to an early lead and it's the 3rd of July, first night of a three day weekend.
Figure this is a great time to sample more beers! Tonight I am focusing on two from Flying Dog. First to the pallet is Doggie Style Classic Pale Ale.
The first thing that I noticed, pleasantly so, was a tremendous amber color and then a very appealing hoppy aroma. As expected the taste and quality did not disappoint, as the proper blend of malts and hops hit the pallet initially followed by second burst of hops.
If you like lighter styles and hop flavor and aroma you should give this one a try!