Jimmy has been picking out most of the beers based on my history at MWL and the conversations we have had over the years. I have been going in on a weekly bases and telling him "this is what I am thinking of". Jimmy, without hesitation has pointed me in a variety of directions depending upon what I have been asking for. In this case, Jimmy hit the target dead on with his suggestion of Augustiner Maximator. While I typically stick to American craft brewer or English ales, this dark Geman beer is the best I have tried to date.
Nice dark brown color with good head when intially poured. This is a malty, sweet dopplebock style beer that won't disappoint. When tasted you can tell right off that it is a German style beer, reminding me of Spaten Optimator that I often have when visiting East Side restaurant in New Britian, only better.
Maximator is a bit on the expensive side, but if you like malty beers as I do, this is worth the treat. I look at it this way, many people won't think twice about $30-$40 dollars for a good wine, what's $10-$12 for a good six pack every now and them. I figure I deserve it and you do too.
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